NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat (NAKS) invites sealed bids from interested eligible bidders for the procurement of gratuity management services for its staff.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the supply chain management office NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat, State house Avenue, Liaison House 4th Floor, Nairobi on the normal working days beginning on the date of advert.
The tender documents containing detailed information on the tenders can freely be downloaded by clicking here or from PPIP Portal www.tenders.go.ke.
Bidders who have downloaded the document from the website must forward their particulars immediately for recording and further clarification and addenda to procurement@nepadaprmkenya.go.ke. Tenders must be accompanied by Tender security as indicated in the tender document. Completed
tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes, marked with the tender number and name, and deposited in the tender box provided at the NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat Offices, Liaison House,4th floor, State House Avenue, NAIROBI, or be addressed to:
Chief Executive Officer,
NEPAD/APRM Kenya Sec retariat
Liaison House, 4th Floor,
P.O.BOX 46270-00100.
So as to be received on or before 13th September 2022 at 10.00 A.M
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