NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat is a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency under The National Treasury and Planning. The Secretariat was established through a Presidential Executive order Gazette Notice No. 6225 of 2002 and was further reconstituted in June 2016, merging the NEPAD National Steering Committee and the Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) National Governing Council into one body, NEPAD/APRM Kenya Governing Council. The Secretariat is headed by a Chief Executive Officer appointed by the Cabinet Secretary in charge of the State Department for Planning. At the continental level, NEPAD and APRM are two separate entities.

The NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat has a unified administrative structure at the national level and is responsible for coordinating the AU programmes and projects through the Ministries, Counties, Departments, Agencies (MCDAs), Development Partners, and other stakeholders.

The NEPAD Kenya Secretariat is tasked to:

  1. Serve as an operational coordinating secretariat for the implementation of NEPAD priority programs and the African Peer Review Mechanisms.

At this national level, the Secretariat works to facilitate the implementation of programs in 6 thematic areas namely:

  • Agriculture and Food Security.
  • Climate Change and National Resource Management.
  • Regional Integration and Infrastructure.
  • Human Development.
  • Economic and Corporate Governance.
  • Crosscutting Issues, including Gender, Capacity Development and ICT.

2. Coordinate NEPAD activities in Eastern Africa.

As a regional coordinator, the NEPAD Kenya Secretariat is mandated to:

  • Convene regular meetings of the NEPAD representatives to harmonize NEPAD strategies;
  • Facilitate regular and frequent information sharing among participating countries and RECs;
  • Organizing regional forums to bring together key stakeholders around various NEPAD themes;
  • Coordination with the NEPAD Secretariat in South Africa.