The NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat is undertaking a monitoring exercise of The LAPSSET corridor which is a Presidential infrastructure Championship programme under the African Union(AU).
The findings will be reported by the Secretariat to the AUDA NEPAD, the development Agency of the AU.
As part of the monitoring, the team began by paying a courtesy visit to H.E Issa Timamy, the Governor, Lamu County Government. The monitoring team was led by the NEPAD/APRM Kenya CEO. Amb. Dr. Samori Okwiya.
The NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat staff with H.E Governor Lamu County H.E Issa Tamamy and officers from KeNHA and KPA and LAPSSET during the Courtesy visit
Issues of popularizing the Port to enhance utilisation, acknowledging that three berths are completed. The comparative advantage of Lamu port in the region and it’s capability to handle large vessels was brought to the fore. The Governor, noted that the LAPSSET corridor is billed to be a game changer in logistics in the region and connect the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic ocean in West Africa.The Governor was optimistic that the county has received immense economic benefits from the LAPSSET corridor.
The LAPSSET railway once constructed would be more economical as it would transport more cargo and persons therefore more cost effective. It was noted that Lamu Port would be more effective in the long run if it became more autonomous.
The team also brought to the attention of the Governor, County Peer Review Mechanism and asked that Lamu county accedes to the mechanism to enhance good governance and service delivery to the citizens. the governor expressed willingness to accede to the mechanism.

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