The Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Continental Office in partnership with the Centre of Sustainable Development for Africa and NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat are hosting a Technical Consultation and Data Collection meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting aims to share and deliberate on the current progress towards the preparation of a report on the realization of Aspiration 3 of Africa Union’s Agenda 2063 and SDG 16 in Africa.


Participants of the APRM-SDG Technical Consultations & Data Collection meeting in Nairobi.


The meeting creates a platform for countries to present their experiences in promoting SDG 16 and Agenda 2063’s Aspiration 3 to complement the data collection. Additionally, the meeting seeks to ensure incorporation of RECs into the drafting of the report, for them to share insight giving a regional dimension in the planning and implementation of key initiatives towards attainment of Aspiration three and SDG 16.

In attendance are Experts in SDG 16 alongside other key actors including; APRM strategic partners, UN agencies, REC representatives, SGD focal points and APRM Member Country representatives. In this regard, the participants have made presentations on the progress achieved by their respective countries in establishing links between Aspiration 3 of Africa Union’s Agenda 2063 and SDG 16 in Africa. Moreover, they have deliberated and assessed the extend of progress in achieving governance by African Countries and nations as well as identifying policies and practices that affect governance.

It is noted that the first quarter of the report is set to be launched in 2023.

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