Gov. Hillary Barchok (fourth from right) shows a copy of Kenya’s 2nd APRM Country Review Report after receiving it from Mr. Michael Kisilu (third right). Looking on are staff from the Secretariat.
16th September, 2020
Bomet County Governor Hillary Barchok has committed to have Bomet County be reviewed under the County Peer Review Mechanism.
The Governor, while meeting a team from NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat in his offices today, has committed to the review mechanism citing inconsistencies in reviews done by other independent agencies.
“There is lack of balance in reviews done to counties by independent agencies thus making it confusing for counties to know where they truly are,” he said.
“Such independent reviews don’t offer the platform for counties to learn from each other,” he added.
County Peer Review Mechanism (CPRM) is a voluntary governance “self-assessment” by Kenyan counties to share experiences, reinforce best practices, identify deficiencies, and assess capacity building needs to foster policies, standards and practices that lead to political stability, high economic growth, sustainable development and accelerated county economic integration.
The mechanism was developed by the Secretariat in collaboration with numerous state agencies. It borrows from the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) which is a continental review mechanism for Heads of State and Governments.
Kenya was first reviewed under the mechanism in 2006 under the leadership of former president H.E. Mwai Kibaki. In 2017, Kenya was the first country in Africa to be reviewed the second time under the leadership of H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta.
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