The Chief Administrative Secretary, National Treasury and Planning Hon. Eric .S. Wafukho officially launched the roadmap for the preparation of the 9th   Kenya National Human Development Report (KNHDR) in Nairobi, County.

Prof. Michael Chege Chairperson NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat National Governance Council (Board equivalent) giving his presentation on the KNHDR 

Themed Human Development for COVID-19 era: Envisaging the recovery in Kenya for Social-Economic Development, the report will restructure the recovery strategies aimed at long term intervention to prevent future disasters as well as highlight principles and responses that will help mitigate social economic impacts post COVID-19.

During the launch, three discussants led by Prof Michael Chege, who is the Chairperson of NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat National Governance Council (Board equivalent) stated their contribution to the report. Among them was Prof Winnie Mitula who noted how to leverage from COVID-19:

  • Advance synergy for formal and informal economy
  • Understand informal workers and their environments and look for ways to make them understand.
  • Leverage on partnerships of COVID-19 recovery and preparedness

Consequently Mr. Stephen Wainaina who was also among the discussants stated the measures needed by the Kenya National Human Development Report which include progress in:

  • Legality and Health
  • Access to Knowledge
  • Decent standard of living

Subsequently, The Board Chairperson NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat, Prof Michael Chege noted that the report is intended to inform policy and evidence based on research and address substantive issues.

Additionally, he affirmed the need for the 9th Kenya National Human Development Report to shed light on dauntless Kenyans who have been at the forefront in the fight against COVID-19. Among them the Health Care workers who unrelentingly helped COVID-19 patients and lost their lives in the process.

Prof Chege further noted that the impact of COVID-19 is not as catastrophic as feared and Kenya should emulate the practices that other countries like Senegal have taken, to Mitigating the spread of the pandemic.

The 9th Kenya National Human Development Report will be executed in three phases.

  • Inception Phase – This is the conceptualization stage where the theme of the report will be discussed, the indices to be compiled agreed on as well as the outline of the report.
  • Stakeholder Consultation and Analysis Phase – This is where the secondary and primary data will be compiled, organised and analysed to inform the Report At the same time, computation and compilation of various indices will be undertaken simultaneously to feed into the report.
  • Reporting Phase – Compilation, feedback, validation and finalization of the report.

Delegates present during the launch were; Mr. Saitoti Torome the Principal Secretary for the State Department for Planning; The National Treasury and Planning, Mrs. Katherine Muoki, Economic Planning Secretary; State Department for Planning, Mr Walid Badawi, Resident Representative –UNDP in Kenya office and, Mr. Stephen Jackson, UN Resident Coordinator in Kenya.