Earlier on today, the Chief Administrative Secretary, Hon. Eric Wafukho accompanied by the Chief Executive Officer, Amb. Dr. Samori Okwiya, Director, APRM Mr. Peter Kimemia, Communications Officer, Mr. Frankline Kaburu and Executive Secretary, Ms. Florence Juma paid a courtesy call to the Kenyan Embassy in Egypt, Cairo led by Amb. Maj Gen Otieno Joff (KAF Rtd).

L-R Office Administrative Secretary, Madam Florence Juma, Communications Manager,
Mr. Frankline Kaburu, Amb. Maj Gen Otieno Joff (KAF Rtd), Chief Administrative Secretary, National Treasury and Planning, Hon. Eric Wafukho, NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat, Chief Executive Officer, Amb. Dr. Samori Okwiya, Director APRM & Governance Mr. Peter Kimemia 

Amb. Maj Gen Otieno Joff (KAF Rtd) was delighted to receive the delegation from State Department of Planning and the NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat who are in Cairo, Egypt for a two-day High-Level Forum on South-Sudan and Triangular Cooperation themed: Building agile and resilient societies that brings together African Policymakers, Senior National Executives and Experts from Africa and the global South Counties.

Amb. Maj Gen Otieno Joff (KAF Rtd) remarked that Kenya has enjoyed great tides with the Republic of Egypt and that the potentials and diversities of Kenya and Egypt can be harnessed to cement bilateral relations between Kenya-Egypt. His Excellency further noted that the APRM is an instrumental tool in the advancing governance issues in Africa and that the Embassy of Kenya in Egypt is available to support all efforts that advance good governance in Kenya as well as in Africa at large.

On the other hand, the Chief Administrative Secretary, Hon. Eric Wafukho expressed his appreciation to the Embassy of Kenya in Egypt for the exemplary work to advance Kenya’s interest in the region. In particular, CAS was grateful of the export business from Kenya to Egypt especially in the tea sector which has been instrumental in promoting the Kenya business in the international community.

Amb. Dr. Samori Okwiya, Chief Executive Officer, NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat thanked the Embassy and with special attention to Amb. Maj Gen Otieno Joff (KAF Rtd) for his leadership to steer country’s interest in the region. Amb. Dr. Okwiya remarked that Kenya and Egypt have been working together in various continental programmes especially in governance such as the APRM and is looking forward to more bilateral on strategies to best institutionalize and advance governance issues in Kenya, Egypt and Africa at large.