Request for Expressions of Interest: Individual Consultant to Develop a New Strategic Plan for the APRM for the Period 2020-2023

The African Peer Review Mechanism has received financing from the African Development Bank toward funding of the African Peer Review Mechanism Institutional Support Project, and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this grant to undertake an independent Review of APRM 2016-2020 Strategic Plan and prepare a new Strategic Plan for the period 2020-2023.

The objective of the consultancy is to conduct the review of the current strategic plan and develop the new four (4) year strategic plan (2020-2023). This will be undertaken through a participatory process involving the APRM Secretariat, critical stakeholders and key partners.

Duration of the Assignment
The expected commencement date for the assignment is October 2019 and the duration shall be three months starting from October to December 2019. The sequencing of the deliverables and specific timelines will be agreed prior to contract signature.

Eligibility and Requirements

The African Peer Review Mechanism now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, and appropriate skills. Applicants must demonstrate that they have (i) minimum of five years (5) relevant experience; (ii) experience in undertaking and completing similar assignment in at least two institutions with a governance mandate; and (iii) familiarity with the African Union (AU) mandate and donor funded projects.

Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s “Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations”, dated October 2015, which is available on the Bank’s website at Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address Email:

Mode of Application

Expressions of interest must be submitted by email or physically to the address below on or before 11th September 2019 at 1100hrs. The REOI shall be opened on 11th September 2019 at 1100hrs local time

Submissions to be titled: “EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: EOI/ 9B/2019:


All applications in writing should be accompanied by up-to-date Certified Curriculum Vitae and supporting documents (Note: do not send originals) with the names and addresses of three referees, one of which should be the last consultancy and addressed to:

Project Coordinator

African Peer Review Mechanism

Private Bag x09, Halfway House, 1685

Physical Address: 230 15th Street, Randjies Park, 1st Floor

Midrand, South Africa

Tel: +27 11 256 3400/01/29

Fax: +2711 256 3456

Email :

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