On the margins of the 37th Head of State African Union Summit, the Chief Executive Officer NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat Amb. Dr. Samori Okwiya participated in a High-Level Nutrition Event organised by the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD). This underscores the commitment of Kenya and AUDA-NEPAD to addressing nutrition challenges on the continent.

CEO, NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat, Amb. Dr. Samori Okwiya at the High-Level Nutrition Event.

The session focused on achieving nutrition goals in Africa post-Malabo, with an emphasises on sustainable financing from both the public and private sectors. Consequently, the involvement of key stakeholders, including government officials, private sector leaders, and civil society representatives, highlighted the multi-sectoral approach necessary to tackle malnutrition effectively.

The session discussions revolved around innovative financing mechanisms, policy frameworks, and strategic partnerships to improve nutrition outcomes and ensure the implementation of commitments made under the Malabo Declaration.

The presence of the CEO NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat, Amb. Dr. Samori Okwiya signified the importance of regional cooperation and coordination in advancing nutrition agendas across Africa.

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